Making a commitment

Today I committed to attend my nephew’s wedding in California in October.  I received an email from him six weeks ago (two months ago?) requesting my children’s addresses.  I never responded.  Well, hey, I don’t know their addresses.  And, it’s so hard to get them to respond back to me with such requests.  And then, I would have to collect all the different text messages or emails, or notes from phone calls, write them down, and then look up Reuben’s email again, and then write him back….Thinking of how difficult it was stopped me in my tracks.  I felt guilty … Continue reading Making a commitment

Starting over again and again

Tomorrow I will renounce sugar.  After successfully dropping–slowly– more than 10 lbs. since October, even not gaining a pound over the holiday season, February and my life came together, kicked my ass, and I started to seek out sugary sweets like an addict the past month.  I’m up 5 lbs (hopefully much of it is water-holding carb weight) and I dropped out of my online weight challenge (after winning the last 3 I did), with my tail between my legs. I committed to go to my nephew’s wedding in October (that’s another story), which both provides a long distance target … Continue reading Starting over again and again